The study of General Science in Primary and Secondary school is linked to National prosperity and economic development. The course is designed for the effective interactive ways of teaching science. The course will highlight the power of observation and inquisitiveness in general sciences studies. It will also focus on how to relate facts, concepts, and theories to every day experience.
Objectives / Learning Outcomes
The course will enable learners to;
Only those students can opt this course who had read science at HSC level or SSC level
Key Day: Monday tiem; 2 pm - 3:30 pm
Thursday: 12:30 - 2 PM
Course Outline
Recommended Books:
Agha Khan University Examination Board (2002) General Sceicne IX- X (based on National Curriculum 2002). Karachi: AGKEB.
Lawson, Anton. E. (1995). “Science teaching and development of thinking”. California: Wadsworth publishing company
Rehman Mehmooda (1999). Teaching of science and mathematics. Peshawar: Ijaz printer, Pakistan
William Lewis Eikenberry (2008). The teaching of general science, The University of Chicago Press
Feden , P.D. and Vogal , R.M.(2003). Methods of teaching: Applying cognitive science to promote students learning . Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Hoong , T. L. Leng , H. P. (2003). Lower Secondary Science 2 Singapore :SNP Panpac
Hoong , T. L. Leng,H. P. (2003). Lower Secondary Science I Singapore : SNP Panpac
Qureshi, N. A. et al (2002). Science 3. Lahore: Punjab Text Book Board .
Qureshi, A. M. et al (2003). General Science. Lahore: Punjab Text Book Board.
Saleemi, F. et al (2002 b). Science 1. Lahore: Punjab Text Book Board.
Saleemi, F. ( 2003 a). Science 2. Lahore: Punjab Text Book Board.
Saleemi, F. (2004). Science 3. Lahore: Punjab Text Book Board.
Saleemi, F. ( 2003 b). Science 7. Lahore: Punjab Text Book Board.
Saleemi, al (2002 a). Science 6. Lahore: Punjab Text Book Board.