Time table of BS regular

Monday : 10am-11am

Tuesday:  8am-9am

Wednesday: 9am-10am

Thursday : 10am-11am

Credit Hours: 04

Time table of BS self support 

Monday: 2pm-3pm

Tuesday: 4pm-5pm

Wednesday: 4pm-5pm

Thursday: 2PM-3pm

Credit hours:  04

Introduction of the Course:

The aim of this course is to impart knowledge about probability and non probability sampling techniques and its estimators. This course deals with different sample design and sampling or non sampling errors and their course. The course provides mathematical and conceptual formation of sampling techniques especially for cluster sampling double stage sampling multistage or multiphase sampling and different estimator and comparison. Non response or randomized response and their sources are also the part of the contents. This course is designed for different type of sampling and selection and estimation procedure.

learning outcomes:

Students are able about the basic principal underlying survey design and estimation.

Methods for designing and selecting a sample from the population. 

The ability to analyse and solve the problem. 

Students are able how to assess the estimation errors. 

Recommend books:

1) Des raj and Chandhok,P. (1998). "Sample Survey Theory" Narosan , publishing House New Delhi.

2) Singh, R. And Singh N,(1996)," Elements of Survey Sampling " Kulwar, Dodrecht.

3) Kish. L.(1992), " Survey Sampling ", John Willey, New York. 

Evaluation systems for exam 

Mid term       30 Mark's

Final term     50 marks 

Sessional     20 marks

Project+ viva + assignment +presentation +attendance + class participation 

                                                 course plan

week topics books page
1-2 introduction to sub sampling( two stage two phase multi stage and multi phase sampling advanced sampling theory with application 529
3-4 non response or randomized response advanced sampling theory with application  34
5 critical study of PDHS research paper 1
6 Introduction of ratio estimator MSE or bias of the ratio estimator advanced sampling theory with application 138
7-8 theorem of ratio estimator for more than one auxiliary variable and mid term advanced sampling theory with application 317
9 introduction to PPS sampling with replacement advanced sampling theory with application 295
10 Hensen and Hurwitz estimator and their mathematical formation advanced sampling theory with application 300
11 PPS without replacement advanced sampling theory with application 349
12 hansen and thompson estimator and their mathematical formation advanced sampling theory with application 351
13 critical study of HIES research article 1
14 Critical study of national sample survey ''census of agriculture' research article 1
15 census plan of agriculture and introduction to NPHCS research article 1
16 NPHCS detail and discussion about different sampling design and final term research article 7


Course Material