Description and Objectives 

This course aims at teaching the students the basics of language in particular and English Language in specific.

To sensitize students towards their understanding of language development and its usage

To enable students to employ their understanding in the form of listening, speaking, reading and writing,

To enable them to reflect and improve on their communicative behavior/performance

To build capacities for self-criticism and facilitate growth

To lead students towards effective performances in communication both privately and publically.



At the end of the course it will be able to:

  1. To sensitize students to their communicative behavior
  2. To enable them to reflect and improve on their communicative behavior/performance
  3. To build capacities for self-criticism and facilitate growth
  4. To lead students to effective performances in communication

Course Pre-Requisites

Functional Grammar

Lesson Plan:

Explained in detail

Textbook, Handout and Ppts:

Provided with the lesson plan based on individual lecture respectively.


1. Exam/ Term Paper


For the assessment of course objectives, give various course 

give various course assignments and project during the semester and analyze their score at the end of semester.



Assignments can be given from the following contents

  • Handouts provided by the class instructor
  • Discussion during lectures
  • Selected questions out of your textbook. 




Sessional Marks: 20 Marks

  • Quiz                            10 Marks
  • Assignment                 5 Marks
  • Class Participation      5 Marks


Mid Semester Exam: 30 Marks

Final Semester Exam: 50 Marks

Class Timings:

Wednesday and Thursday: 12.00-1.300pm

Course Material