 This course deals with human behavior in organizations. Conceptual frameworks, case discussions, and skill-oriented activities are applied to course topics which include: motivation, learning and development, group dynamics, leadership, communication, power and influence, change, diversity, organizational design, and culture. Class sessions and assignments are intended to help participants acquire skills and analytic concepts to improve organizational relationships and effectiveness.

Course Pre-Requisite:



Learning Outcomes:

  • To gain a solid understanding of human behavior in the workplace from an individual, group, and organizational perspective.
  • To obtain frameworks and tools to effectively analyze and approach various organizational situations.
  • To integrate course materials with your own workplace experiences.
  • To reflect upon your own beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors with respect to how individuals, groups, and organizations act in order to expand your options of approaches and increase your own effectiveness.

Text Book:
Human Resource Management by Mc Shane

 Teaching Methodology:

  1. Lecture for disseminating key concepts
  2. Discussion on practical issues
  3. Assignments and Presentations/Projects
PowerPoint slides will be provided for all topics in the syllabus.  However, it should be kept in mind that students should not be relying on the PowerPoint Slides only.  The module covers both the theoretical and empirical sides of the topic and for mastering the course, studying all the materials mentioned in this handbook is a necessity.

  System of Evaluation:

The module is assessed by the group assignments and individual class presentation of relevant topics (20%), and a 3 hours closed-book examination (80%). 

Individual Class Presentations/Projects*
Regular Class Presentations/Participation (7%)
Term Paper/Assignment (8%)
Class Quiz/Case Studies (5%)
Mid Term Examination  (1 hour)
Final Examination (2 hours)
Lesson Plan:
Week No.
Lecture Plan
Introduction to the Field of
Perspectives of Organizational
Effectiveness 7
Open-Systems Perspective 7
Global Connections 1.1: Hospitals Take the
Lean Journey to Efficiency 10
Organizational Learning Perspective 10
High-Performance Work Practices Perspective 12
Stakeholder Perspective 13
Types of Individual Behavior 16
Task Performance 17
Organizational Citizenship 17
Counterproductive Work Behaviors 18
Joining and Staying with the Organization 18
Maintaining Work Attendance 18
Contemporary Challenges for Organizations 19
Globalization 20
Increasing Workforce Diversity 20
Emerging Employment Relationships 22
Anchors of Organizational Behavior
Knowledge 23
The Multidisciplinary Anchor 23
The Systematic Research Anchor 24
Individual Behavior and Processes
MARS Model of Individual Behavior and Performance 34
Employee Motivation 34
Ability 35
Role Perceptions 36
Situational Factors 37
Personality in Organizations 38
Personality Determinants: Nature versus Nurture 39
Five-Factor Model of Personality 39
Jungian Personality Theory and the Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator 41
Caveats about Personality Testing in Organizations 42
Self-Enhancement 44
Self-Verification 44
Self-Evaluation 44
The Social Self 46
Self-Concept and Organizational Behavior 47
Values in the Workplace 47
Types of Values 48
Values and Individual Behavior 49
Value Congruence 49
Values across Cultures 50
Individualism and Collectivism 50
Power Distance 51
Uncertainty Avoidance 51
Achievement-Nurturing Orientation 52
Ethical Values and Behavior 52
Three Ethical Principles 53
Moral Intensity, Ethical Sensitivity, and Situational
Perception and Learning in Organizations
The Perceptual Process 68
Perceptual Organization and Interpretation 70
Social Identity and Stereotyping 71
Stereotyping in Organizations 72
Global Connections 3.1: “Your Name Says
Everything in France” 74
Attribution Theory 75
Attribution Errors 76
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 76
Contingencies of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 77
Other Perceptual Errors 78
Improving Perceptions 79
Awareness of Perceptual Biases 79
Improving Self-Awareness 79
Meaningful Interaction 81
Learning in Organizations 82
Behavior Modification: Learning through
Reinforcement 82
Social Learning Theory: Learning by Observing 85
Learning through Experience 86
Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress
Emotions in the Workplace 98
Types of Emotions 99
Emotions, Attitudes, and Behavior 100
Managing Emotions at Work 103
Emotional Display Norms across Cultures 103
Emotional Dissonance 104
Emotional Intelligence 105
Global Connections 4.1: GM Holden Revs Up
Emotional Intelligence 107
Improving Emotional Intelligence 107
Job Satisfaction 108
Job Satisfaction and Work Behavior 109
The Ethics of Job Satisfaction 112
Organizational Commitment 112
Consequences of Organizational
Commitment 112
Building Organizational Commitment 113
Work-Related Stress and Its Management 114
General Adaptation Syndrome 114
Consequences of Distress 115
Stressors: The Causes of Stress 116
Individual Differences in Stress 118
  • Managing Work-Related Stress 118
Foundations of Employee Motivation
Employee Engagement 132
Employee Drives and Needs 134
Individual Differences in Needs 134
Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory 135
Global Connections 5.1: Shining the Spotlight
on Employee Recognition 137
What’s Wrong with Needs Hierarchy
Models? 138
Learned Needs Theory 138
Four-Drive Theory 140
Expectancy Theory of Motivation 143
Expectancy Theory in Practice 144
Goal Setting and Feedback 145
Balanced Scorecard 147
Characteristics of Effective Feedback 148
Sources of Feedback 149
Evaluating Goal Setting and Feedback 151
Organizational Justice 151
Equity Theory 152
Procedural Justice 155
Decision Making and Creativity
Rational Choice Paradigm of Decision
Making 198
Problems with the Rational Choice
Paradigm 200
Identifying Problems and Opportunities 200
Problems with Problem Identification 201
Identifying Problems and Opportunities More
Effectively 202
Evaluating and Choosing Alternatives 203
Problems with Goals 203
Problems with Information Processing 204
Problems with Maximization 206
Evaluating Opportunities 206
Emotions and Making Choices 207
Intuition and Making Choices 208
Making Choices More Effectively 209
Implementing Decisions
Team Dynamics
Teams and Informal Groups 234
Informal Groups 235
Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams 236
The Challenges of Teams 237
A Model of Team Effectiveness 238
Organizational and Team Environment 239
Team Design Elements 240
Task Characteristics 240
Team Size 242
Team Composition 242
Global Connections 8.1: Royal Dutch Shell Finds
Team Players in Gourami 243
Team Processes 245
Team Development 245
Team Norms 249
Team Cohesion 250
Team Trust 251
Self-Directed Teams 253
Success Factors for Self-Directed Teams 254
Virtual Teams 255
Success Factors for Virtual Teams
Class Days & Timings: 
Wednesday: 7:30-9:00pm
Thursday:    7:30-9:00pm

Course Material