This  course includes eleven important  surgical pathologies related to upper Gastrointestinal tract which are presented in the form of Powerpoint presentations. However in certain slides notes are written at bottom  for better understanding of students.

By the end of this course, student learners will have:


1.Increased their self-reported confidence in dealing these patients.

2. Increased their self-reported comfort in the ward, outpatients department and operating room environment.


    •  Short Practice Of Surgery By Bailey And Love's.
    •  Text Book Of Surgery By Ijaz Ahsan.
    •  General Surgery (Lecture Notes Series) by Harold Ellis, Roy Calne,
    •  An Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Surgical Disease by.
    • Current Surgical Practice: by Norman L.


 Evaluation Tools:

1. MCQs and Short answer questions after  completion of course

2. Viva at the end of course

3. Annual examination which includes all courses 


Course Material