Introduction to Course:
The principal objective of this course is to prepare students to gain knowledge in the field of human resource management and enabling them to understand the human resource functions and practices in banks/organization for improved performance and help create a transparent organizational culture. The course also provides an overall understanding of organizational behavior concepts to assist students in recognizing organizational structure, culture and development concepts so that they are better equipped to perform in the organization, make informed decisions and effectively manage supervisors and subordinates for enhanced performance. A section on business ethics is also included to ensure conceptual understanding, need and application of these concepts in daily business transactions.
Learning Outcomes
Recommended Books
1. William B. Werther & Keith Davis: Human Resource & Personnel, McGraw Hill, 5th Edition
Suggested Readings
Marks Distribution Marks
Case writing & running 05
Quizzes 05
Midterm 30
Project & presentation 10
Terminal Examination 50
The following is meant to give a general indication of the attributes which are normally expected of written work for it to be awarded marks in particular degree classes. This is indicative only since an answer can have a number of attributes, strengths and weaknesses and the overall classification given to individual answers and to a script is based on the judgment of the examiners about the inter-play of these attributes, strengths and weaknesses.
(80%+) Excellent, logical and well-presented answer showing clear evidence of recent research findings on the topic, evidence of additional readings, and showing content of original thought and ideas.
(70-79%) Very good, well-presented answer showing clear evidence of supplementary reading and some original thought and ideas.
(60-69%) Good comprehensive answer. Clear, logical, thorough with evidence of breadth and depth in reading. Understanding of inter-relationships between parts of the course and of the subject.
(50-59%) Adequate to good answer. Material limited to basic reading and lectures, Competent understanding of individual topics with only limited grasp of links between topics.
(40-49%) Incomplete answer. Material is sparse with inaccuracies and little evidence of even basic reading. Reliance on lecture material with only limited indication of understanding.
(<40%) Deficient answer. Inaccuracies, omissions, errors in approach, no evidence of understanding or work.
Attendance Policy (Zero Tolerance):
As per university policy at least 75% attendance in the class will be mandatory for every student to become eligible for final term exam.
Class Timings;
Thursday: 12:30 - 2:00
Thursday: 2:00 - 3:30