Invertebrates are animals that don’t have a backbone. The vertebral column is another name for the backbone. Over 90% of all species on Earth are invertebrates, and invertebrate species have been found in the fossil record as far back as 600 million years ago. Molecular biology studies suggest that all invertebrates evolved from a single invertebrate group, invertebrates have soft bodies because they don’t have an internal skeleton for support. Instead, many have structures on the outside skeleton that provide support and protection. invertebrates are cold-blooded, meaning they can’t regulate their body temperature, so it changes depending on the environment. Invertebrates are incredibly diverse. They live in fresh water, salt water, on land and as parasites in other animals. There are invertebrates that are carnivorous, herbivores  and omnivores. There are even some invertebrate species that grow bacteria and cells inside their bodies that make their food. Some invertebrates stay in one spot, while others fly, swim, float, crawl and burrow.

Aims and Objectives:

Basic understanding and introduction of invertebrates and process.

Assessment criteria:                 


Mid Term Exam          15 Marks

Practical Exam           25 Marks

Final Term Marks       45 Marks

Sessional Marks        15 Marks

Course Work Plan and evaluation criteria for:    Botany 2nd Semester

Subject:  Diversity of animal (invertebrates)                        Credit hours:  4 (3+1)

Course code: ZOOL-5102


Course description

Week 1

Invertebrates introduction; classification of organism; evolutionary relationship and tree diagram; pattern of organization

Week 2

Animal like protest: The protozoa, life within a single plasma membrane; evolutionary perspective, maintenance function, symbiotic relationship

Week 3

Protozoans taxonomy (phyla, sub phyla, super classes) locomotion, cilia and pellicle structures, reproduction; further phylogenetic consideration

Week 4

Multicellular and Tissue Levels of Organization: origins of multicellularity; animal origins. Phylum porifera: cell types, body wall, and skeletons; water currents and body forms; maintenance functions; reproduction..

Week 5

Phylum Cnidarian (coelenterate) the body wall and nematocysts; alternation of generations; maintenance functions; reproduction and classification up to class. Phylum Ctenophora; further phylogenetic considerations

Week 6

Triploblastic and Acoelomate Body Plan: Phylum Platyhelminthes: classification up to class; the free-living flatworms and the tapeworms; Phylum Nemertea; Phylum Gastrotricha; further phylogenetic considerations

Week 7

Pseudocoelomate Body Plan: Aschelminths: general characteristics; classification up to phyla with external features; feeding and the digestive system;

Week 8

Phylum Rotifera and Phylum Nematoda; Phylum Kinorhyncha organ systems; reproduction and development. Some important nematode parasites of humans; further phylogenetic considerations.

Week 9

Mollusca Success: relationships to other animals; origin of the coelom; molluscan characteristics; classification up to class. The characteristics of shell and associated structures, feeding, digestion,

Week 10

Gas exchange, locomotion, reproduction and development, other maintenance functions and diversity in gastropods, bivalves and cephalopods; further phylogenetic considerations.

Week 11

Annelida: The Metameric Body Form: relationship to other animals, metamerism and tagmatization; External structure and locomotion, feeding and the digestive system, gas exchange and circulation, nervous and sensory functions, excretion,

Week 12

Regeneration, reproduction and development in different classes of annelids ; further phylogenetic considerations.

Week 13

Arthropods: Blueprint for Success: classification and relationships to other animals; metamerism and tagmatization; the exoskeleton;

Week 14

Metamorphosis; Classification up \ to class; further phylogenetic considerations; phylogeny and adaptive diversification.

Week 15

Assignment+ presentation+ Quiz(5+5+10)

Week 16

Study of representative Phyla, Permanent slide preparations and Lab manual

Course Material