Course Title: Literary Criticism II                  Course Code: ENG  331

BS English,   Semester VI

Credit Hours: 03        Mon & Tuesday 6-7 p.m.  Friday 4-5 p.m.

Instructor: Zareena Qasim                                               Email:  [email protected]


This course aims at introducing the modern critical theories. It includes the works of literary masters like Arnold, Eliot, Brooks and Catherine Belsey. The course enables the learners to analyze literary texts in the light of modern critical thought. It will develop a critical insight among the students.

Course Contents:

  1. Mathew Arnold               The study of Poetry,

                                              The function of Criticism at the Present Time  

                                                Preface to Poems 1853

2- T.S.Eliot                           Tradition and Individual Talent,

                                                      Metaphysical Poets, Milton I& II

       3- Kleanth Brooks               The Well-Wrought Urn, Understanding Poetry                    

       4-Catherine Belsey             Critical Practices

Course Material:

Course Manual will consist of approximately 48 lessons (see “Course Outline” above to get an idea about the contents of these lessons). It will be provided to participants in PDF and MS Word formats. They can take printout and .read the material. 


This is for the second time that these students are going to study criticism.They have already read Aristotle, Sydney, Wordsworth and Coleridge so it is expected that they have a very clear idea about the significance of criticism in promoting, encouraging and polishing the creative works. during this semester will be getting a chnace to add into their xisting knowledge and consequently develop the ability to view thye creative work through the lense of criticism. they will be trained on the lines defined by the critics included in this course and will have to select a text and critically analyze from a particular perspective.

Assessment Criteria:

Mid Term: 30

Project:     10

Presentation:  05

Participation:  05

Final exam:   50

Course Material