Description and Objectives
The course is designed to provide the students with an introduction to some of the mainstream, as well as critical approaches to the study of Political Economy (IPE), comparative political economy and the emerging literature on globalization. Economics and Politics are separate domains of social sciences; this course aims to present an inter-subjectivity of the two disciplines. The objectives of the course is to increase the understanding of world economic history and the knowledge of the political and economic forces that shape international political economy.
Intended Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing this course students should:
1. have gained an understanding of the range of perspectives on international political economy issues;
2. be able to identify and explain the political dimensions of economic issues, while understanding the particular historical, cultural and social contexts in which they arise;
3. be able to apply theoretical tools in the analysis of issues of political economy;
4. be able to identify and formulate effective arguments; and
5. have increased confidence in their ability to communicate, to think critically, and to participate as a member of a group.
Course Contents
- Introduction, Defining the subject, its Evolution and Scope
- eories of International Political Economy:
- Economic Internationalism/Liberalism
- Economic Nationalism/Mercantilism
- Marxism/Structuralism/Dependency Theories
- Theory of Dual Economy
- Modern World System Theory
- of Hegemonic sustainability
- Nature and Evolution of Politics of International Trade: Multilateral Trade System, Role and Impact of Trade Institutions: GATT & WTO
- Politics of International Finance: International Monetary System
- Role and Impact of Financial Institutions: Bretton Woods System,
- WB & IMF
- Hegemony and collapse of Bretton Woods System.
- International Investment: Role of Multinational Corporations
- Nature and their Evolution
- of MNC’s in International Relations
- North-South Dialogue
- South-South Dialogue
- Foreign Aid: Advantages and Disadvantages
- Union, ASEAN and NAFTA
- Recent developments in IPE
- Neo-Imperialism, Globalization and its Impact.
Class Schedule
Monday (11:00 -12:30) (12:30 - 02:00)
Friday (09:30 - 11:00) (12:30 - 02:00)
Assessment Criterion
1. Mid Term Examination 30 Marks
2. Final Term Examination 50 Marks
3. Sessional Marks (Assignment, Presentation, Class participation and Attendence) 20 Marks
Recommended Books
- Robert Gilpin, Political Economy of International Relations (Princeton, 1987).
- Robert Gilpin, Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic Order (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001).