This course is designed to acquaint students with the importance of international politics. The study and practice of International Politics is interdisciplinary in nature, blending the fields of economics, history, and political science to examine topics such as human rights, global poverty, the environment, security, and global ethics. Exceptional international economic integration, unprecedented threats to peace and security, and an international focus on human rights and environmental protection all speak to the complexity of international relations in the 21st century.
In Successfully completing this course, students will
> Gain knowledge about international politics and they will develop a theoretical understanding of this field.
> able to develop an understanding of the interaction of states and they will grab the essence of key ideas such as power and justice.
Assessment Criteria;
75% of attendance would be mandatory to take the final term exams. Students are encouraged to participate in class discussions and ask questions. Students are expected to come to class prepared, having read the assigned reading for each class. Please come to class on time. Habitually coming to class late will be penalized. Cell phones must be turned off. If your phone rings in class on more than one occasion, I will ask you to leave class.
Every student is required to submit a short-term paper of 5 to 7 pages on the assigned titles. Similarity Index would be evaluated by using Turnitin Software.
Recommended Books:
> The Globalization of World Politics by John Baylis & Steve Smith, Second edition.
> Introduction to International Relations Power and Justice by Theodore A. Couloumbis & James H. Wolfe, fourth edition.
> The Struggle for Recognition, Axel Honneth (1992)
> The Republic by Plato